Monday, February 25, 2013

LUSH Lemony Flutter

I recently purchased LUSH Lemony Flutter and have been using it for a few weeks now. I have to say that I LOVE IT!!! At first I was taken back at the price because it is a small container (1.5 oz)  for $16.95...but a little goes a very long way. And since I change my polish so often and use 100% pure acetone, the acetone isn't the best for my nails and skin. So I decided to purchase it :) and.....WHAT A GREAT DECISION.  I have noticed a change in my cuticles, making them nice and healthy. When I purchased it the saleswoman suggested that you can also use it on any rough patches on your skin. So I have been trying it out on my elbows and she also mentioned using it on your heels, I haven't tried that yet. The smell isn't too overpowering, it smells like a lemon peel. In my opinion, its been a great buy!! :) 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Nail of the Day

 OPI's Big Hair Big Nails (on clearance at Ulta for $4.99)
 Konard Nail Stamps (purchased through Amazon) 
Nail Bling (purchased at Sephora on clearance for 3.99!)